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Part 3: The Rankings

Empowering Business- Enabling Positive Change

While traveling we are going to offer all those people, organizations and institutions we bump into the possibility to have a Sustainability assessment of their organization, this assessment will give them some insights into how sustainable they are. It will also provide them with very useful information into where their opportunities are headed and how they can perfection their work in order for it to be more IMPACTFUL & SUSTAINABLE.

How do the assessments work?

The assessments consider 5 categories of action where different areas are evaluated, depending on the industry, sector and workforce different criteria weight will be attributed to each:


Overall Management

Massive Transformative Purpose

Work / Cultural Values





Air emissions

Water management

Waste management

Land Use

Resources Used

Supply Chain Management



Adding Value

Sharing Impact

Empowering all

Enabling Opportunities



Anticorruption & Bribery

Anticompetitive Practises

Respect Intellectual Property Rights

Consumer/Client data protection and confidentiality



Health and Safety

Antidiscrimination and Harassment

Working Conditions & Dialogue

Training & Career Management


For each project we will determine their level of Sustainability based on these areas and they will achieve a Rating!

Star Supporter : Massive Transformative Purpose, Empowering employees & High Positive Impact amongst its people.

Hero Changeagent: Massive Transformative Purpose, Empowering employees & High Positive Impact amongst its people, activity & environment. Positively innovating and disrupting it's sector!

Super Hero Champion: Massive Transformative Purpose, Empowering employees & High Positive Impact amongst its people, activity & environment. Positively innovating and disrupting its sector! Creating Change and proactively solving global challenges!

What will you be able to see, follow and learn?



We will promote and show you all the projects and organisations with whom we enagage during the trip, showing you what they do, how and their level of sustainability. You will get plenty of ideas for your own work!



For each project we will determine their level of Sustainability based on three categories: Star Supporter, Hero Changeagent, Super Hero Champion.

For the projects that fall under Hero Change agent and Super Hero Champion we will create a ranking with the top rated projects so you can follow along.

Don't miss the rankings as you will have access to great information on how they are effectively implementing Sustainability.

Remember that the aim is to identify how sustainable they are and to help them improve.



From all that we learn during the trip with the different projects, organisations and the trip itself we will create training material.


Where can you get updates of all of this?

1. Follow us on Facebook & Instagram

2. Subscribe to our Newsletter and do not miss all blog posts & videos

3. Join us in Patreon and Collaborate to keep us going!

If you know of any organisation that would be interested or would need some help please go to our contact section and leave us a message through the Quote questionnaire.

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